
Protests Prompt Move for L.B. Council to Rethink Jet Ski OK

In the ongoing battle between jet skiers and windsurfers, the city may reconsider whether it will allow a jet-ski concessionaire at the beach.

The issue will resurface Tuesday at the request of City Councilwoman Jan Hall, who asked the council last week to rescind its approval authorizing the city’s Tidelands Agency to solicit proposals for a jet-ski rental concession at a proposed beach ramp at Granada Avenue.

Hall, along with several of her colleagues, said she had received calls from sailers and windsurfers protesting a proposal to construct a ramp designed specifically for the jet skis.


The council authorized the city to advertise for bids to build a ramp at Granada Avenue for catamaran boat launching.

Assistant City Manager John Shirey said there has been growing opposition to allowing jet skis at the proposed Granada Avenue launch ramp.
