
Zoning Change at Big T Course

Re Big T Golf Course zone change:

To do away with this very successful and well-established, nine-hole public golf course and driving range and replace it with commercial shops and a condo complex is very unwise, shortsighted and detrimental to our community.

The Big T Center is a unique, attractive and thriving recreational center that blends in beautifully with the neighborhood and should not be destroyed.

Is the city’s financial need so desperate as to justify destroying this attractive, beneficial and affordable recreational landmark and greenbelt in favor of another condo complex and vacant commercial shops? Isn’t the area already saturated with condos, town houses and shops?


It was about 17 years ago that the Buena Park Planning Commission, the city staff and many homeowners worked together to create this new and unique open space zoning classification. As a former mayor and City Council member in Buena Park, I was instrumental in establishing this zone classification. So many of us believed that it was needed for a well-balanced community.

I am concerned that if the zone change reasoning given by the majority of the planning commissioners were to prevail, the subdividing of the Los Coyotes Golf Course is just there for the asking. It is now up to the City Council to restore sanity and common sense to our zoning approach.


Buena Park
