
‘Seed Corn for Education’

Your editorial (May 21) “Seed Corn for Education,” is an excellent analysis of the plight of public education in California. Unfortunately, it is the children in our public schools who will suffer in the political dispute over the education budget.

As an active lifelong Republican, I regret that a Republican governor has forced his Republican supporters in the Legislature to choose between loyalty to the governor and support for the public schools. I, for one, do not want the Republican Party in California to be labeled as the anti-public school party.

Many school districts, including Pasadena, are far from exceeding the spending limits of the Gann Amendment to the Constitution and they critically need the money that the governor proposes to rebate to some taxpayers in small sums.


The school-age population is growing at a faster rate than that of the general population referred to in the Gann Amendment and the governor has the opportunity to use the state surplus to remedy this inequity.

Using The Times’ seed corn analogy, we’re not so hungry for a tax rebate that we need to eat our seed corn.


