
More on Liberace

In “As Liberace Lay Dying” (March 1), Tom Huth gave a lot of space to someone who is evidently a phony. I am not denying that George Finney or his father may have been Liberace fans. But as Liberace’s personal manager, I went to every one of his performances for the last 36 years and never once remember seeing Finney, as I certainly would have if he had sat through 288 concerts. I also do not remember hearing about anyone being arrested at Liberace’s concerts, much less 34 times.

It is certainly unfair to say that Liberace was ducking Finney. Liberace never turned down autographs at any concert, and during the first 25 years of his career, he would sit backstage after every performance and autograph pictures for anyone who wanted to stay. It is true, as Finney said, that I accepted the flag from his father’s grave. I also promised to send him a memento, but what he forgot to say is that he asked me for money, which I gave him along with my business card. When he showed up at my Los Angeles office a few days later asking for more money, I refused but gave him a photo of Liberace.

Most of the story was written like fiction. One part says Finney was waiting to see my hound-dog face. I thought I had a nice face, but I guess there are good-looking hound dogs.


Seymour N. Heller

