
Site for City Hall Is the Best Choice

Most everyone agrees Culver City needs a city hall, but the question is where should it be located. Although the city has several commercial-business areas, no downtown district currently exists. Due to this decentralization, the city hall should be located on the premier street within the city, which is Overland Avenue, and thus I support the City Council’s recent purchase of the northwest corner of Overland and Culver Boulevard for the purpose of constructing a government center including a new city hall.

In reference to the cost of constructing a new city hall, the cost of condemning personal property improvements and providing relocation benefits for tenants should be considered when comparing the cost of developing on Washington Boulevard with that of the Overland site (which is vacant).

I applaud the Planning Department staff and the members of the City Council who had the foresight to vote for relocating the city hall to Overland and Culver Boulevard. It was a courageous move since it was certain to cause criticism from several groups. However, the center of the city moved away from Duquesne and Culver Boulevard long ago. In the long run, the relocation of the city hall to Overland Avenue will enhance the property rights of all residents in the city and contribute to the establishment of a more accurate image of what Culver City is today.



Culver City
