
GovernorAppointed Gloria A. Mahdesian of Studio City...

Compiled by Jerry Gillam, Times staff writer


Appointed Gloria A. Mahdesian of Studio City to the advisory committee of the Simon Wiesenthal Center of Los Angeles Museum. A Democrat, Mahdesian, 54, fills a newly created position. The job pays necessary expenses and does not require Senate confirmation. Assembly Floor Action:

Gridlock: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 47-22 vote a bill (AB 667) by Assemblyman Richard Katz (D-Sepulveda) to allow cities and counties to enact ordinances imposing $50 to $500 fines on motorists who block traffic by entering intersections on a green light but then become trapped when the light turns red.

Security Guards: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 41-34 vote a bill (AB 2527) by Assemblyman Steve Peace (D-Chula Vista) to prohibit private security guards from wearing police-style badges while on duty.


Attorney Fees: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 41-29 vote a bill (AB 1912) by Assemblyman Elihu M. Harris (D-Oakland) to limit contingency fees attorneys can collect in damage cases to 40% of the amount recovered in actions that go to trial and 33% of the amount recovered in actions that are resolved without going to trial.

Crimes: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 41-22 vote a bill (AB 63) by Assemblyman Tom Bane (D-Tarzana) to increase the penalties for injuries to people or property because of race, religion, ancestry, national origin or sexual orientation.

Conflicts: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 58-0 vote a bill (AB 2127) by Assemblyman Phillip D. Wyman (R-Tehachapi) to require public officials and public employees to disclose the identity of lobbyists or lobbying firms with whom they have business interests. Committee Action:


Lemon Autos: The Ways and Means Committee approved a bill (AB 2057) by Assemblywoman Sally Tanner (D-El Monte) to require the state Bureau of Automotive Repair to establish a program to certify that arbitration programs run by automobile manufacturers are operated properly and fairly. An 18-5 vote sent the bill to the Assembly floor. Senate Floor Action:

Obscenity: Passed and sent to the Assembly on a 25-8 vote a bill (SB 5) by Sen. Wadie P. Deddeh (D-Chula Vista) to expand the legal definition of obscenity and make it easier to prosecute pornography peddlers.

Trucks: Passed and sent to the Assembly on a 25-1 vote a bill (SB 556) by Sen. John Seymour (R-Anaheim) to double speeding fines for trucks with more than three axles. The fines, which now range from $100 to $200, would rise to the range of $200 to $400.


Atom Smasher: Passed and sent to the Assembly on a 29-1 vote a bill (SB 81) by Sen. John Garamendi (D-Walnut Grove) to provide an undetermined amount of state money to try to persuade the federal government to locate a super-collider atom smasher in California. The bill’s author estimated that the amount would be in the $500-million range. The $5-billion project would create an estimated 69,000 jobs.

Open Meetings: Passed and sent to the Assembly on a 34-0 vote a bill (SB 200) by President Pro Tem David A. Roberti (D-Los Angeles) to specify the conditions under which state and local government agencies may hold closed-door meetings to discuss pending litigation. The governor vetoed a similar bill last year. Committee Action:

Elections: The Senate Elections Committee reversed itself and approved a bill (SB 796) by Sen. Quentin L. Kopp (Ind.-San Francisco) to move up California’s primary election from June to April to give the state more clout in choosing presidential nominees. A 4-1 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee. It had previously died on a 2-3 vote.
