

Last week Robert Hilburn argued that the “Sgt. Pepper” LP--despite remaining a “landmark work”--is not the Beatles’ best album because it is weighted down by seven songs that “represent the longest stretch of mediocre material” the group ever recorded. Calendar letter writers were not pleased--by a 9-1 ratio.

Demoting “Sgt. Pepper”? How about firing Robt. Hilburn instead!

Only a few weeks ago Hilburn rated this album as the fourth greatest album of all time.

Well, perhaps he got confused because his usual point of reference, Bruce Springsteen, has never recorded anything as innovative as the first psychedelic album. Springsteen has never gotten past the aural equivalent of “I Want to Hold Your Hand.”

The Beatles, on the other hand, gave us “A Day in the Life,” the most mind-blowing song of its time.


In case no one has told you, Bob, creativity is what makes “Sgt. Pepper” the greatest rock album of all time--something sorely lacking in both Springsteen’s repetitive music and your recycled reviews of it.


Los Angeles
