
Letters in VIEW : Profiles of 13 Victims of AIDS

The article “13 Random Victims of an Indiscriminate Killer--AIDS” (by Lynn Simross, May 24) needs to be commended.

I hope everyone who subscribes to your newspaper reads each and every word. We need articles such as this to enlighten the public as to the horrors of this disease and its indiscriminate nature.

Being a gay man and having now lived with the AIDS scare for the last seven years, I continually find myself awed by the ignorance of much of the general public. Though hardly a day goes by without some mention of the disease, many people still feel they are a safe distance away. Your article did a fabulous job of showing how each person that fell victim is by him or herself a unique individual with friends and family who are left behind. I cried and hope others did, too. The reality of AIDS is a reality for all of us, together and individually. It must be understood by all.



San Bernardino
