
Rabbi Kahane

The Times story (June 9) about Rabbi Meir Kahane losing his Knesset rights referred to the Rabbi’s “ties with his extremist Jewish Defense League supporters” in the United States. I wish to state once again for the record that the JDL is no longer involved in any way with Kahane and has not been for the last two years.

This organization has stated so and made this position clear in countless news conferences and magazine articles, yet the press still can’t get it right. We feel anyone taking a Knesset seat should take the loyalty oath without conditions.

In addition, the JDL does not advocate the total expulsion of all the Arabs living in Israel, to do so would be highly unproductive. Instead, we would urge Israel to sort out those Arabs who are willing to demonstrate a love for and willingness to live peacefully in Israel from those who hate and despise the country. For Arabs who have no loyalty to Israel we would recommend resettlement somewhere east of the Jordan River. For those pledging loyalty of course should be allowed to stay.




Los Angeles

Krugel is chairman of the Los Angeles chapter of the Jewish Defense League and Rubin is national chairman.
