
Congress and the President

Raymond Price in his article (Editorial Pages, June 18), “Power to the President--Issue Is Whether Congress Will Paralyze the Executive,” has it all wrong. That isn’t the issue at all. The issue is whether the President will be allowed to continue to paralyze Congress.

After all, there are approximately 250 million people in this country, many of whom are not especially looking forward to giving a final salute to the flag as the world goes up in flames because a semi-senile old man didn’t know the difference between reality and fantasy.

For instance, take the figment of his imagination known to the world as “Star Wars.” Has anyone even considered the effects that one hydrogen bomb exploding in space would have on the Earth? How about 10,000?


The next time Price wants to speculate how the Reagan Administration fell for a cockamamie scheme (as he referred to the trading of arms for hostages) he should investigate this terrible hallucination of President Reagan’s. Sheer madness.


Redondo Beach
