
Welcome Freedom from Canine Noise

I note with pleasure that the Los Angeles City Council has approved a stricter ordinance governing vicious or barking dogs (June 14). Although the “vicious dog” segment of the ordinance deserves top priority, I direct my commentary to the “barking dog” part of the ordinance.

As a 9-to-5:30 working person, I believe it is within my rights to sleep undisturbed during the nocturnal hours. This right is often usurped by the unrestrained barking of neighborhood dogs.

As a Monday-through-Friday working person, I also believe it is within my rights to spend my weekend daytime hours sans the noise pollution resultant from the yipping, baying and barking of neighborhood canines.


The untrained dogs, being dumb creatures, are innocent of any wrongdoing. . . . Conversely, the dog owners are not.

If the offending dog owners are truly to be the recipients of civil fines, as noted in your article, I heartily commend the City Council for their legislation and thank them in advance for my anticipated hours of undisturbed sleep and quiet weekends.


