
New Raids Mounted in Chilean Slums; Cardinal Outraged

From Reuters

Security forces closed off slums in the Chilean capital Wednesday and raided houses, searching for arms and guerrilla suspects, police sources reported.

The raids were branded as humiliating and hurtful by Chile’s Roman Catholic cardinal, who called on the military-backed government of President Augusto Pinochet to end them.

Police sources said that the security operation, involving hundreds of troops and police, began overnight and was centered in the southern and western slums of Santiago. There was no immediate information on arrests.


Interior Minister Ricardo Garcia Rodriquez said that such security operations will continue as long as necessary.

However, Cardinal Juan Francisco Fresno said they are “extremely humiliating and hurtful” and should stop.

Fresno charged that entire neighborhoods have been cordoned off and priests’ houses raided by security personnel who showed no credentials or authorization.


“This is something that alarms the population tremendously, especially mothers and fathers in relation to their children,” Fresno said.

He added that he has instructed the Catholic vicar general of Santiago to protest the operations.
