
Malibu : Meeting on Sewer System Plans

Los Angeles County public works officials will hold an open meeting Wednesday on the proposed Malibu regional sewer system.

The 7 p.m. meeting, which will convene in Malibu Park School Auditorium, 30215 Morning View Drive, will begin with a presentation by the county’s consultants, James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, on a new report that recommends expanding the system. Public comments will be accepted but limited to three minutes a person.

Copies of the latest study and earlier reports on the project are available for review at the Malibu Civic Center Library, 23519 W. Civic Center Way. Copies also may be reviewed or purchased at the county Department of Public Works’ building and safety counter in the Civic Center, 23533 W. Civic Center Way, or at the public works headquarters, 2250 Alcazar St., East Los Angeles. The purchasing cost is $25 for each of the first two reports addressing the sewer issue and $15 for the latest report.


Written comments also can be submitted until July 22 to: T. A. Tidemanson, director of the Department of Public Works, P.O. Box 4089, Los Angeles 90051. Letters should be marked to the attention of Brian Scanlon, Waterworks and Sewer Maintenance Division. Comments from the meeting and from letters will be addressed in the consultants’ final environmental impact report expected in late summer or early fall.
