
100 Get Raises in San Clemente

San Clemente’s 100 non-management employees reached agreement on a two-year contract with the city Thursday, Assistant City Manager Greg Hulsizer announced.

The workers, who are represented by the San Clemente City Employees Assn., are to receive pay raises of 2% retroactive to July 1, a 3% raise on Jan. 1, 1988, another 3% raise on July 1, 1988, and a 3% raise on Jan. 1, 1989.

Entry-level clerk-typists, the lowest-paid employees in that category, now earn $15,800 per year, and maintenance supervisors, the highest-paid workers in that category, earn $30,600 per year.


The city still is negotiating contracts with 20 firefighters and 33 police officers, Hulsizer said.
