

Was it the same Howard Rosenberg who got so hot under the collar over KABC Channel 7’s recent sweeps-week prank involving the Nielsen families who also wrote the column urging viewers to tune in Channel 4’s evening news because of all the technical flubs of the non-union crews (“KNBC Scales Weathering Heights During Strike,” July 1)?

Or is it possible that Rosenberg simply did not notice that virtually all of the flubs happened during the segments of weatherman (and professional comic) Fritz Coleman and the humorous Fred Roggin?

Equally complicated high-tech effects in the “hard news” segments all seemed to go without a hitch, or at least with no more frequent or spectacular hitches than occur to the high-paid union crews quite regularly. The only exception was the report on the union picketers, which somehow managed to get illustrated with tape of a violent riot.


A screw-up caused by an incompetent non-union crew? If you say so, but I suspect that Channel 4’s non-union technicians are a lot more skilled and clever than Rosenberg thinks.


Los Angeles
