
Los Angeles Sewage Spill in Santa Monica Bay

I am extremely alarmed over the recent unauthorized release of 17 million gallons of sewage from the Hyperion Plant into Santa Monica Bay, and the subsequent lack of proper public notification of the incident. I would like to clarify a comment made by a spokesperson for the Los Angeles city attorney in a June 18 article in the Los Angeles Times on this issue.

The city attorney’s spokesperson indicated that he felt no criminal statute had been violated by the employees who failed to give the appropriate notice of the release. The fact is that under state law (Section 13271 of the Water Code), failure to notify the proper officials of a sewage spill of this nature is a misdemeanor. A sentence of up to one year imprisonment or a maximum $20,000 fine, or both, may be imposed upon a person convicted of violating this statute.

I have contacted the district attorney on this matter, and have urged him to take immediate legal action against the responsible parties.


Santa Monica Bay is a vital commercial and recreational resource for the entire Los Angeles region. We must act to protect the Bay, and the health of the citizens who are affected by its unbridled contamination.


State Senator

22nd District

D-Los Angeles
