
Shootings on Southland Freeways

The recent killing on the Los Angeles freeway by an irate driver who decided to use a firearm over some real or imagined slight is totally horrifying. But equally frightening is the number of other human time bombs ticking away on the various highways and freeways around Los Angeles.

On at least two occasions within the recent past, I was terrorized by other drivers of similar raging behavior. On the first occasion, the Sheriff’s Department dutifully took down my complaint and sent it on to the district attorney’s office. That department, equally dutifully, conducted a rather quaint hearing in which the hearing officer related a highway incident that had happened to her, then proceeded to take the blame for her experience, saying she never should have blown her horn or flashed her headlights at the offender. She then announced that the D.A.’s office would not prosecute my assailant.

To demonstrate that I’m a sucker for punishment, I more recently reported being attacked (by a woman, no less) after she had harassed me on the Pacific Coast Highway for approximately 10 miles. Again the sheriff’s deputy dutifully took my report, photographed my injuries, had a detective interview my attacker (learning the other driver’s identity through the license plate number that I reported). This woman actually told the detective that she had attacked me out of fear!


Care to bet on the outcome of the hearing? I can guarantee that there will be no prosecution until I employ an attorney to bring a civil action. Lack of concerned, effective action by the district attorney’s office to revoke the driving privileges of those who demonstrate ungovernable tempers and even deranged behavior on the roads increases the likelihood of more intentional killings.


