

I certainly hope I never dine at the restaurant where Segal works.

While some of the gripes are justified, I am particularly irritated by the lack of understanding of the dieter. As a nutrition educator and counselor for a medical weight-reduction program, I instruct my clients to be assertive in restaurants.

Such requests as chicken without sauce or skin, vegetables without butter and decaf coffee with nonfat milk are right on target, and I am happy to hear that some consumers are speaking up. In all fairness to waitresses, it sounds like a few chefs need to improve their attitudes, too! Dieters and other health-conscious diners--keep asserting yourselves. Courteously, of course. You are winning the struggle and deserve to be congratulated, not complained about. If enough people speak out, perhaps some restaurants will adapt their menus to include more items that are low in calories, fat, sodium and cholesterol. Restaurant owners, take heed!


