

This past season’s “Moonlighting” audiences saw Cybill Shepherd playing Kate to Bruce Willis’ Petruchio in a spoofy take-off of “The Taming of the Shrew.” Next season--if it’s cleared legally--Willis and Shepherd may find themselves in a run-down Brooklyn apartment, with Willis threatening “One of these days, Alice, Pow! Right in the kisser!” in a take-off of Ralph and Alice Kramden of “The Honeymooners.”

But, stressed a rep for exec producer Glenn Caron, “It wouldn’t be an entire episode. We’re talking about just a little piece of an episode. A sequence or two. And yes, it just might be done in black-and-white.”

First, said ABC music and production attorney Ken Parks, permission must be obtained from the estate of Jackie Gleason (which owns the series), which was initially contacted several months ago. “His people were at first a little reluctant. They really didn’t know what ‘Moonlighting’ was.


“I hope we convinced them that what we’ll do will be a tasteful homage.”
