
Police Country Picnic To Honor Neighborhood Crime Watchers

Times Staff Writer

The 4,000 San Diego neighborhood crime-watch groups--”the eyes and ears” of the city police--will have plenty of good things to see and hear at the second annual, old-fashioned, country picnic honoring their crime-fighting efforts, a police officer said Tuesday.

“The picnic this Saturday, is our chance to say, ‘Thank you for helping us fight crime’ ” said Officer Roy Huntington.

“The canine and horse patrols will be conducting demonstrations, and the police band will be putting on a show, too,” Huntington said, describing the police-sponsored picnic that will be held at the Boy Scout headquarters, 1207 Upas St., in Balboa Park.


The picnic, scheduled to begin at 10 a.m., is open to the public at $2 per family, Huntington said. He said tickets would be available at the door. Food and refreshments will be offered, he said.

Mayor to attend

Huntington also said celebrities, including Mayor Maureen O’Conner, Dave Dawson, a former KSDO radio personality, and McGruff, the canine crime-stopper will attend.

The picnic also is designed to remind the public of the program’s success, Huntington said.


“These neighborhood watches are the eyes and ears of the police,” he said.
