
‘Shopping for Car Insurance’

Insurance rates have gone amok. How is it possible the state allows insurance companies to continue raising its rates? Some consumers have never filed a claim against their carrier and yet each time a renewal policy is sent out, it is accompanied by a letter stating “We are sorry but due to the rising cost of . . . we must increase your rate.” This is absurd. Something needs to be done to stop the constantly increasing rates of car insurance.

Insurance companies know that the state requires every consumer who drives an automobile in California to carry at least liability insurance. Is this a good reason for carriers to charge what they want and/or rip-off consumers? There should be a provision on how much insurance carries can charge consumers. If legislators say we need insurance, then legislators should put a ceiling on how much insurance carriers can charge.

We are in dire need to stop the high-rising cost of car insurance. Perhaps the best way to control insurance cost is an initiative on the ballot for consumers to vote on how much car insurance should be. Just like Proposition 13 placed a ceiling and/or cut property taxes, we need a proposition to stop insurance carriers from ripping-off car owners. I am willing to work very, very hard to help curb the ever-increasing rates.



Los Angeles
