
New State Budget at a Glance

United Press International

Here, at a glance, are highlights of the 1987-88 state budget signed Tuesday by Gov. George Deukmejian:

Size--Includes $40.5 billion in state funds. Federal funds bring the total to $55.9 billion.

Taxes--Balanced without new taxes.

Vetoes--Deukmejian vetoed $662.6 million in state funds and $110.9 million in federal money.


Spending limit and rebate--State revenues in 1986-87 were $1.1 billion beyond the spending limit approved by voters in 1979. The excess must be returned to taxpayers within two years under the state Constitution. Deukmejian proposes a 15% one-time income tax rebate. The 1987-88 budget falls $45 million below the limit and no surplus is projected.

Reserve--Has a $1-billion reserve for fiscal emergencies.

Education--Gives elementary and secondary schools an increase of 2.7% in general funds. Deukmejian vetoed $86.6 million in aid for urban and disadvantaged students, but left intact a program for gifted youngsters. Community colleges get a 7.1% increase in general funds. The increase for the University of California is 6.2%. The California State University system’s increase is 6.9%.

Fees--Raises annual student fees at UC by $130 and by $57 in the CSU system, bringing yearly fees to $1,375 at UC and $630 at CSU.


Faculty--California State University faculty will get a 6.9% pay raise beginning Jan. 1, instead of July 1 as the Legislature envisioned. University of California faculty will get a 5.7% pay raise Jan. 1.

State workers--Gives a 4% pay raise, subject to collective bargaining, to the state’s 230,000 employees beginning Jan. 1, rather than the 6% provided by the Legislature.

Welfare--Gives welfare recipients a cost-of-living increase of 2.6% in monthly benefits. A welfare family of three will receive $633 per month.


Worker safety--Deukmejian vetoed all but $1 million of $8 million that the Legislature earmarked for the state’s worker health and safety program, known as Cal/OSHA, which Deukmejian has dismantled and transferred to the federal government.

Mandates--Withholds $30.5 million that counties in past years have spent on various programs the state requires. In some cases, the budget package envisions repeal of those orders--such as one requiring jurors to be paid $10 instead of $5 per day.
