
San Pedro : Apartment Building Halted

A moratorium on a six-block area near Bandini Canyon Park blocks construction of apartment buildings while city officials seek to decrease the zoning density.

The moratorium, ending in January, prohibits construction of apartment buildings with three or more units. It affects about 160 parcels in the predominantly single-family neighborhood.

The moratorium was approved by the Los Angeles City Council at the request of harbor-area Councilwoman Joan Milke Flores, who had received a petition from 300 residents. They requested that zoning be changed to allow a maximum of two units per lot.


According to the city Planning Department, eight multiple-unit apartment buildings have been built in the area this year or are under construction. The moratorium, which excludes projects being built, affects property bounded by Upland Avenue on the north, Cabrillo Avenue on the east, Summerland Avenue on the south and Bandini Street on the west.
