
Long Beach : New Boys Club to Be Built

With about $1.3 million in cash and pledges, the Long Beach Boys Club Foundation plans to build a new facility in the north part of the city this fall, officials announced this week. The City Council Tuesday approved in concept leasing property at Atlantic Avenue and Del Amo Boulevard to the Boys Club for $1 per year, according to foundation trustee Betty A. Eastman.

The proposed 12,000-square-foot facility would be built across from Shear Park and would serve children who have been using a temporary site. The previous north branch of the Boys Club was closed earlier this year after its building was condemned, Eastman said. The project would include a gymnasium, library, learning center with computers and possibly a dental clinic.

Club officials also announced plans to close its east side facility at 1205 Freeman Ave. when that club’s lease expires in 1989. Foundation members are considering busing the 500 children who use the east side facility to another Boys Club at 1950 Lemon Ave., said Eastman.


The clubs serve about 4,000 underpriviledged children in Long Beach.
