
The Region - News from July 9, 1987

Striking NBC employees were ordered by a Superior Court judge in Burbank to temper their tactics, and the network was instructed to refrain from attacking or threatening any lawful pickets. “Peace will be kept,” said Judge Thomas C. Murphy as he handed down a dual temporary restraining order against NBC and striking members of the National Assn. of Broadcast Employees and Technicians (NABET). Murphy ordered NABET members not to jam radio conversations between replacement NBC news crews and assignment editors or otherwise interfere with NBC news coverage in the field. He also placed limits on the number of pickets NABET can have at NBC entrances. The strike by 2,800 NABET members in six cities, about a third of NBC’s work force, began June 29 after NBC implemented a new contract that allows up to 6% of the work force to be free-lancers. There have been no talks since the strike began, and none is scheduled.
