
NBA Reaches Agreement With NAACP on a Minority Hiring Program

The National Basketball Assn. and the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People announced a joint agreement Wednesday aimed at increasing minority off-court employment in the league.

NAACP Executive Director Benjamin Hooks said similar agreements could follow with baseball and football.

At a New York press conference, Hooks and NBA Commissioner David Stern said no percentage goals had been set. They said they will begin meetings immediately with as many NBA teams as possible. Hooks said local NAACP branches already have been in touch with 12 NBA teams, 20 major league baseball clubs and 15 NFL teams.


“I know about goals and timetables, believe me,” Hooks said, “but we will deal with the individual teams on that. If I say we’re going to get two jobs, and we only get one, then I’ll be pilloried.”

While 75% of all NBA players are black, Stern said only 30% of front office positions are occupied by blacks. There are four black NBA coaches and two black general managers.
