
Westchester : ‘Save the Books’ Fund-Raiser

Local writers will join Los Angeles Times design critic Sam Hall Kaplan and Eleanore Schmidt of the Metropolitan Cooperative Library System at a “Save the Books Breakfast” on July 16.

The event, which will be held at 8 a.m. at the Amfac hotel in Westchester, will feature Taffy Cannon of Venice, who wrote the comedy short film “Double Talk,” which was nominated for an Academy Award, and Chuck Rosenthal of Westchester, author of “Loop’s Progress.”

The breakfast is part of a fund-raising campaign to replace more than $14 million worth of books and other documents that were destroyed or damaged in a fire at the downtown Central Library on April 29, 1986.


The program will include a discussion of the renovation of the library, and head librarians from most of the area’s 17 branches will be on hand.

Breakfast and program tickets are $25 and can be obtained by calling (213) 461-3383 before Friday.
