
The Controversy Over Pit Bulls

Your editorial “Muzzling the Pit Bull” (July 1) was pure sensationalism. I would like to know what statistics warrant the outrageous statement that “once the dog has tasted blood, its aggressive nature surfaces. . . .” I have owned many dogs throughout my life and one of my current dogs is an American pit bull terrier. The pit bull is neither an “undependable” or “uncontrollable” dog unless it is mistreated or taught to be aggressive (the same applies to any animal).

Pit bull terriers make wonderful family household dogs if raised properly. The time has come for the media to stop creating this incredible super-aggressive dog myth and become more concerned with educating the public about a breed that has been around since the 17th Century.

Also, the grouping of the American pit bull terrier, the Staffordshire terrier and a mixed breed again displays your lack of research in the area of this dog. The pit bull terrier and the Staffordshire terrier are not the same dog. Owners of Staffordshire terriers do not refer to their dogs as “pit bulls.” Furthermore, dogs of mixed breed are not called pit bulls unless the person is misinformed.



West Hollywood
