
For Safety on Canoga Avenue

My neighbors and I live on Canoga Avenue, primarily from Dumetz south to Mulholland Drive. We have a special problem of street safety.

If you live in the Mulholland Drive area and use Canoga instead of Topanga Canyon Boulevard as your north-south route in Woodland Hills, please consider the following:

Our street was never meant to handle major through traffic. The tree-arched, blacktop and narrow road was intended as a residential street with minimal traffic flow. It loses 10 feet of width near the Woodland Hills Golf Course going south and abruptly becomes unsafe for speeds over 25 m.p.h.


Although it is currently posted at 30 m.p.h., we hope to reduce that to 25 m.p.h. At Alamo Street, a subtle curve has caused a dozen out-of-control and overturned cars, with one fatality and one hit and run.

Be a good neighbor. If you just drive on Canoga Avenue, please consider our children, pets and property. Imagine being afraid to drive or walk along your own street. Slow to 30. Look out for children, pedestrians and oncoming traffic.

Thank you, neighbor. We will do the same wherever we drive. Perhaps it will be past your door.



Woodland Hills
