

Gov. George Deukmejian on Friday signed legislation advancing a San Diego lawmaker’s campaign to require Caltrans to open a high-tech control center to monitor traffic on the county’s freeways.

The bill, by Assemblyman Larry Stirling (R-San Diego) authorizes Caltrans to study and plan for the center, which would be staffed by operators to help keep traffic moving at peak hours.

The operators would be able to detect problem locations, monitor vehicle speeds, check traffic-flow rates and use video cameras to find causes for delays. The information would be transmitted to motorists through traffic reporters and special message signs on the freeway network.


Cars blocking traffic because of accidents and breakdowns would be removed quickly by tow trucks dispatched through the communications center.

The plan also calls for expanding the number of freeway ramp meters to more than 300 from the current 71.

Caltrans is to report the findings of its study to the Legislature by Jan. 1, 1989.
