
Please, No Dead Animals at the Breakfast Table

The Monty Python Show used to have an occasional skit poking fun at “upper-class twits” performing in some inane contest to demonstrate their total lack of class.

I was strongly reminded of these skits by the article on Millie Vessels on the front page of the Sports section July 3, 1987. It is difficult to pick a winner in this story of a woman who set out to murder a sloth bear in India in 1967 and ended up by killing a leopard in Africa.

Is the winner the woman who could say, “I thought he’d get a kick out of the sloth bear because their faces look like a woman’s when she gets out of bed in the mornings;” the husband who voluntarily looks at her face in the morning; Steve Lowery who could write this article without questioning the values of these twits, or the sports editor who apparently thinks that slaughtering and stuffing animals qualifies as sport?


We all know that there are people like this in the world, but please spare us articles about them at our breakfast tables.


