
Airline Regulation

Over the last few years you have run a steady stream of articles calling for reregulation of the airline industry, most recently on June 21 by Toni Taylor. I am appalled that these have gone unchallenged. Aside from the serious implications of advocating government interference in the economy, there are strong pragmatic reasons for not increasing the regulation.

The cost of flying has dropped drastically since deregulation. In many cases the flight I take today costs less than the same flight 10 years ago, in spite of the intervening years of inflation. More than anything, that points out how much the public was overcharged during the era of regulation. More people can afford to travel today.

A return to regulation is a return to artificially high prices so that an elite club of airlines, government bureaucrats and travel industry insiders can operate the industry as a cartel for their own benefit.



Los Angeles
