
Similar Tales to Tell

I was still hesitant to write regarding my unfortunate experiences in Spain, even after speaking to others in Britain with similar tales to tell, until the June 21 Travel Section showed that someone had already done it and that problems in southern Spain appear to be in the north also.

Never rent a car in southern Spain, especially if you are female. Male Spaniards are the rudest, crudest and most reckless I have encountered on three continents. They come up on your tail, lights flashing and horn honking, and if you don’t move out of their way fast enough they force you off the road, stop their car, back up (to impede your passage), get out and gesture in a menacing and threatening manner. This happened to me twice in four days.

If you try to slow down in city traffic even for a split second to read signs, these Spaniards will hang out of the windows cursing and waving their fists. (Women driving in Spain are nowhere to be found.)


I have read that more Americans go to Spain than to any other European country. Why?


