
‘Victory for Property Rights’

Compton’s column concerning the protection of property rights was like a breath of fresh air in this day of regulatory oppression, mindless bureaucracy, and out-of-control government. The recent holding of the U.S. Supreme Court on private property taken for public use was likewise encouraging.

When a judge of Compton’s long experience complains of the abrogation of individual rights by government agencies, it is time for us to reflect on our heritage.

I am reminded of the line from the Declaration of Independence that gets to the heart of the matter, “He has erected multitudes of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.” A literate description of government agencies and their plunder of our people with confiscatory taxation.


If each individual’s rights are observed and protected, as is the primary purpose of government, each of us will enjoy the benefits of freedom.


