
Gardena to Crack Down on Parked Cars

By a unanimous vote, the City Council has Tuesdayapproved an ordinance that willauthorized enable thepolice to issue citations wheni cite owners of cars areparked on front or side yards.

There is already a municipalban against parked cars on residential front or side yards, but Previously, however,violators were contacted by the Community Development Department in response to neighborhood complaints.

City Atty. Michael Karger said police officers now will cite the owner of the car.

“There is strong community support for this ordinance,” Mayor Don Dear said. “As before, we will respond to complaints from neighbors. Temporary parking to wash the car or during street sweeping will not be considered violations worth ticketing. But we have to do something about the blight.”


Council members expressed concern for residents with small driveways and limited street parking. At the request of Councilwoman Gwen Duffy, the city staff will prepare a study on the ordinance’s impact after six months.

The newordinance will be effective in 30 days.
