
South Laguna : Group Says Cards Show Doubts on Annexation

A spokeswoman for a South Laguna citizens group said Wednesday that early results of a post card survey showed that some residents believe their community is being rushed into a proposed incorporation with Laguna Beach.

Susan Russell, chairwoman of the project for the South Laguna Community Council, said she will present the written protests next Thursday at a hearing on the issue before the Laguna Beach City Council.

Russell said 4,500 post cards have been sent to residents asking them to indicate if they are opposed to annexation. She said more than 200 cards had been returned by early this week.


She said the community council and apparently many other residents believe that “very few persons made the decision for a lot of people” on the question of annexing to Laguna Beach and that there is “much concern about the type and quality of services” they would receive from the city.

Russell said her council is working with a smaller group headed by Sue Crider that is circulating petitions against the annexation plan.

Complaining about the timing of the hearing set for July 23, Russell said the council “gave us the shortest time possible allowed by law” after the annexation proposal was approved July 8 by the Local Agency Formation Commission. But she said results of the post-card survey and Crider’s petitions will be presented at the meeting.
