
Parking-Fee Rise to Pay for CSUN Garages Advance

California State University trustees Wednesday gave preliminary approval to a plan that would double student parking fees in order to build two multilevel parking garages at California State University, Northridge.

The garages would be built on space now used for parking lots and would add about 3,200 parking spaces at an estimated cost of $29.8 million, said Charles Manley, the school’s physical plant director.

Final approval of the parking fee increase is expected to come to a vote in September, said CSU spokeswoman Janice Walker. At CSUN, the monthly student parking fee would go from $7.50 to $14, she said.


“It appears likely” that the proposed fee increase will be approved in September, Walker said.

The first structure would be finished by the end of 1989 and the second by the end of 1991, he said. The increased parking fees would go into effect next fall.

More parking is needed at CSUN because of student crowding and because a new business administration and economics building is planned for an area now being used for student parking, Manley said.
