
West Hollywood : Free Legal Assistance Available

Bet Tzedek Legal Services has expanded its free legal assistance to the West Hollywood community. Service is now available from 9 a.m. to noon each Thursday at Crescent Heights Methodist Church, 1296 N. Fairfax Ave. Appointments are necessary and may be obtained by calling (213) 939-0506 or 939-8325.

Appointment-only service also is available at Plummer Park, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd., on Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m. Call (213) 939-8325.

West Hollywood senior citizens can talk to a Bet Tzedek attorney by calling the SeniorLaw Hotline at (213) 939-8325. If needed, an appointment will be made to provide callers with follow-up legal assistance.


Walk-in service is available at the Bet Tzedek office, 145 S. Fairfax Ave., Suite 200, Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon. Evening appointments can be made by calling (213) 939-0506.

Handicapped individuals can request legal assistance in their homes by calling (213) 939-0506.

Funded by the City of West Hollywood, Bet Tzedek’s West Hollywood service provides full legal assistance, including representation at trials and administrative appeals, for a variety of legal needs.


Help is given in landlord-tenant disputes, public benefits problems, consumer problems, wills and estate matters, abuse of the elderly, conservatorships, bankruptcy and other matters.

The agency does not handle criminal defense, immigration, contested divorce cases or cases a private attorney would accept for a contingent fee.

Expanded outreach service in West Hollywood in the coming months will include a series of community educational forums and programs with legal themes on the city’s new cable television station.
