
Bay Area Jews Urged to Protest During San Francisco Papal Visit

Associated Press

In outrage over Pope John Paul II’s meeting with Austrian President Kurt Waldheim, San Francisco Bay Area Jews were urged this week to peacefully protest during the pontiff’s visit in September.

The move adds fuel to anti-Pope demonstrations already promised in the region by homosexuals and feminists.

The June meeting in the Vatican with the ex-Nazi officer was “a slap in the face at Jews around the world as well as all those who fought against Nazism in the World War, and we intend to protest that,” said editor Michael Lerner of the national liberal Jewish magazine Tikkun.


Rabbi Allan J. Berkowitz of Congregation Sinai said he supported a protest, declaring, “We need to make it clear to the Catholic Church that (a dialogue) cannot continue until the Pope takes responsibility for his action.”

Lerner was joined by San Francisco Supervisor Carol Ruth Silver in a news conference outside St. Mary’s Cathedral, where the Pope will visit.

Both said the only way the Pope could reverse the outcry over the Waldheim visit would be to recognize the state of Israel. Silver said the Jews would accept that as an apology.


Silver joined criticism of Mayor Dianne Feinstein, who is Jewish, for promoting a fund-raiser on Thursday for the Pope’s visit. Silver said she may join Lerner and others in picketing the mayor’s house with signs on the evening of the fund-raiser.

Despite her strong feelings, Silver said, “I welcome the visit of the Pope to San Francisco. I think it is a very important, symbolic and spiritual matter for many of our Catholic friends.”
