
Oil Pipeline

Mayor Bradley opposes the proposed pipeline (July 11) to bring crude oil from Kern County to Los Angeles area refineries because of air pollution. Twelve members of the City Council also oppose the pipeline. The mayor was quoted as saying, “The Angelus Project would undermine all of our diligent efforts to protect the health of millions of people and would frustrate our attempts to clear our skies of smog.”

How do crude oil pipelines pollute the air? Do these millions of people drive automobiles? Do the mayor and the City Council oppose the expansion of Citicorp Plaza at 8th and Figueroa streets? Mitsubishi and the Prudential Insurance Co. will build twin towers comprising 1.8 million square feet of office space which will triple the office space at this site.

Will this project not cause air pollution? Contribute to traffic congestion and gridlock?

The mayor should be promoting non-polluting projects such as the crude oil pipeline, and use the remainder of his considerable talents to eliminate the dumping of sewage into Santa Monica Bay.



