
Martin Family Set Courageous Example

This is in regard to your story in the July 12 San Gabriel Valley section pertaining to the Martin family of San Gabriel and the brutal murder of their son, Scott.

Your reporter did an excellent job. Knowing the Martins through the Rosemead Youth Assn. as we do, we feel (and we’re sure we speak for others who know them) that it was very courageous and unselfish of them to divulge such a personal and tragic experience in order to possibly “save” other kids, as well as their families, such a tragedy.

Wouldn’t that be just wonderful. How hard many of us as parents try and try and still try. For many of us this has really hit close to home. So many of us live so much like the Martins--the “perfect” family. Participation and volunteering to work with youth . . . in . . . sports, hoping give them an outlet and a place to be just about every late afternoon and many weekends, hopefully not allowing them much time to get involved with the wrong elements.


Unfortunately, as too many times happens, there are those unreachable ones; those who are self-destructive, walking time bombs. Not knowing what to do with themselves, not being able to find their niche in life. Then, you have the parents who, as Pat Martin readily admitted, at first will adamantly deny there is a problem. Fine, but will many of you out there be as strong as she and let go of your “precious” and admit that yes, it could possibly be yours too? The obvious signs are there--look closely. Be aware of your children’s peers. Look at changes in attitude, aggressiveness, rebelliousness, restlessness. Don’t be afraid to stand up for your rights as parents.

We are sorry for the Martin family, and like them, hope that maybe others, having read this article, will take a closer look, before it’s too late, in their own backyards.


Temple City
