
Aid to the Nicaraguan Contras and Covert U.S. Activities

I have been following the hearings very closely, particularly, the testimony of North and Poindexter. It does concern me that the Congress was misled. However, I understand why they felt it necessary.

North has performed two very valuable services for this country: First, he kept the contra organization alive to continue its fight against the communist government of Nicaragua. That is in the best interest of the United States. Secondly, he has been able through his testimony to educate the public on what is at stake in Central America and the extent to which a Democrat-dominated Congress has tried to interfere in the President’s constitutional right to conduct foreign policy.

Thank God for North and Poindexter.


Redondo Beach

(The Times has received 789 letters against North’s actions, 265 in support of him and 310 commenting on additional issues at the hearings.)
