
Aid to the Nicaraguan Contras and Covert U.S. Activities

People such as Rep. Louis Stokes (D-Ohio), Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.), Sen. Warren Rudman (R-N.H.), and Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) have served to defend freedom in wartime and constitutional processes in peacetime. These four men represent the best of America in their deeds and words. People who have looked beyond TV images in the Iran-contra hearings and listened to the words of these four men have heard a civics lesson in what our nation’s democratic foundation is all about.

The principles and actions of Stokes, Hamilton, Rudman and Inouye are much more in keeping with what James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson had in mind for national leadership than have been the operations of Reagan Administration officials. It is these elected officials who are the true patriots.



(The Times has received 789 letters against North’s actions, 265 in support of him and 310 commenting on additional issues at the hearings.)
