
Costa Mesa : Amphitheater Neighbors Seek Contempt Charge

Neighbors of the Pacific Amphitheatre sought to use the ultimate legal weapon Thursday in their court battle against concert noise.

Ned West Inc., operator of the 18,000-seat Costa Mesa facility, should be found in contempt of court for violating a judge’s May order to turn down the volume, lawyers for nearby residents argued.

Rock concerts have consistently violated Orange County Superior Court Judge Gary L. Taylor’s order, neighbors alleged in court papers filed Thursday. Two months ago, Taylor found that concerts violated standards under a county noise law and ruled that residents were being denied the peaceful use and enjoyment of their homes.


Also pending before Taylor is a suggestion that he appoint a receiver for Ned West Inc. to ensure compliance with the court order.

On July 7, Taylor augmented his original order, directing Ned West to notify all performers personally that they may be violating a lawful court order in their performances.

Ned West lawyer Deborah Nesset declined comment. She said she is unaware whether Taylor’s expanded order has created problems for the next amphitheater concert, by Emmylou Harris, scheduled for tonight.
