
Woman Collapses After Telling Court of Affair With Joan Collins’ Husband

United Press International

A woman collapsed on the witness stand Thursday after testifying that she had sexual liaisons with Peter Holm while the Swedish businessman was living with “Dynasty” vixen Joan Collins and said they planned to live together after becoming financially secure.

Romina Davidson, 23, collapsed to the floor after being questioned for about 20 minutes by Collins’ attorney, Marvin Mitchelson, and began sobbing before being taken out of the courtroom on a stretcher by paramedics.

Holm is trying to persuade Superior Court Judge Earl Riley to rule invalid a prenuptial agreement that paid Holm 20% of Collins’s income, or $1.3 million, until she filed for an annulment in December, 1986. Collins, 54, and Holm, 40, were married Nov. 6, 1985.


Seeking $80,000 a Month

Collins claims that the pact prevented Holm from seeking spousal support or property from her if the marriage failed. Holm, who also received $700,000 in payments for bills from Collins, is seeking $80,000 a month in temporary spousal support.

Davidson, who works with children in special education programs, testified that she met Holm in early 1985 while he was living with Collins before their marriage.

Davidson said Holm told her, after several meetings, that she should marry his wealthy 80-year-old friend, Axel Davidson, which she did, “and get all the property in joint name.”


Holm proposed that they have a child together and begin living together in “a couple of years” after they were financially secure, Davidson said.

Under questioning from Mitchelson before Davidson’s testimony, Holm dismissed the allegations as “absolute rubbish.”

He said that Davidson, who was subpoenaed by Mitchelson, told him in a telephone conversation Saturday that “on the death of her mother, she wouldn’t do it (testify).”


Outside court, Holm told reporters he heard that Mitchelson had met Davidson in a restaurant Wednesday and “there was money exchanged.” Upon being informed of the allegation, Mitchelson ran up to Holm and told reporters, “If he said it, he’s a lying person.”

Earlier, Holm testified that he never paid taxes on the $2 million he received from the British actress before their separation.

“In your mind, were you to pay from that 20% some of the income taxes?” Mitchelson asked Holm during the third day of the hearing.

“No,” Holm replied.

“You were aware, as her financial adviser, that Joan Collins is somewhere in the 50% income tax bracket, were you not?” Mitchelson asked, trying to show that Holm received additional money from Collins by not paying taxes.

“To my knowledge, it was about 50%,” Holm replied.

Mitchelson tried to get Holm to admit that Collins ended up paying 50% in income tax on the money he received, but the former Swedish rock star repeatedly answered that he did not understand the lawyer’s questions, prompting Mitchelson to give up and say, “It’s like a squirrel that runs by you.”

Although Holm is fighting an annulment of their marriage, he contends that at least half the income earned and half the property acquired during his 13 months with Collins should be his. Collins has said she will file for divorce if she is denied the annulment.
