
Limits of Large Corvina Top Salton Sea Catches

The Salton Sea has been a hot spot for large orangemouth corvina, and several limits of the fish in the 20-pound range were reported this week.

Dick Mericle of Redlands caught one of the largest, a 23-pounder near the Cleveland Street area, on live bait. Kevin August of Pasadena landed a 21-pound fish at Bombay Beach.

WILLOW BEACH--Near limits of 8- to 14-inch rainbow trout in the harbor. Cheese best bet.

LAKE MEAD--Striped bass good, mostly at 40-feet on anchovies. Lower Basin and Saddle Island productive areas. Increased top-water action for small stripers in evening. Catfish fair in evening and at night.


BULLHEAD CITY--Stripers very good on river. Most averaging two-five pounds. Gordon Cowin, Salina Beach, 15 1/2-pound striper. Trout very good on lake during day and night. Trolling with needlefish in daytime and still-fishing with marshmallows at night best bets. Catfish very good. Standard baits productive.

SALTON SEA--Orangemouth corvina very good. Red Hill area most consistent, yielding several limits of corvina in the 16- to 20-pound range. Live mudsuckers or tilapia minnows best bet. Croaker very good in Bombay Beach area. Tilapia very good in afternoon.

LAKE CACHUMA--Catfish good at east end at 15 feet. Mackerel best bet. Trout fair at dam at 50- to 60-foot depths. Cheese getting best results. LAKE CASITAS--Largemouth bass good in shallow water. Plastic worms, nightcrawlers and crawdads productive. Trout good near dam at 60- to 80-foot depths. LAKE PIRU--Trout good at dam in deep water. Trolling or still-fishing with cheese best bet. Largemouth bass good in early morning at points and near coves. Catfish good at dam with chicken livers and mackerel getting best results.


LAKE ISABELLA--Catfish fair at Browns Cove and Steins Cove. Everything else slow.

IRVINE LAKE--Catfish very good. Lincoln Brown, Santa Ana, 28-pound catfish. Mike Zivkovic, Costa Mesa, 11 1/2-pound catfish. Largemouth bass good. Ron Carlin, Garden Grove, 5-pound bass. Crappie good.

VAIL LAKE--Largemouth bass good. John Krumsiek, Buena Park, 9-pound 8-ounce bass trolling with Rapalla near dam. Catfish good. James R. Johnson, San Pedro, two-day catch of six catfish weighing 48 pounds.

BIG BEAR--Trout biting everywhere. Trolling with nightcrawlers behind flashers or needlefish on lead line best bet. Shore fishing with marshmallows and cheese also good. Largemouth bass slow, but some being taken on spinner baits. Catfish good at east end of lake, ranging mostly between 3-5 pounds. Chicken livers best bet.


LAKE SILVERWOOD--Stripers up to 30 pounds being taken in channel and near rock edges. Anchovies best bet. Largemouth bass good. Herb Lane, Bellflower, 9 1/2-pound bass. Nightcrawlers best bet. Crappie picking up. Catfish good at night at Cleghorn Cove or near dam. Mackerel and stink baits getting best results.

LAKE HENSHAW--Crappie good. Trolling best bet. Largemouth bass good but small, up to 3 pounds. Plastic worms best bet. Channel catfish slow, bullhead catfish very good. Mackerel or shad best bet.

BISHOP AREA--Four days of high winds have ceased. Lake Sabrina and South Lake very good for various species of trout, mostly planted rainbows. Ray Lester, Verdugo Hills, 5-pound 10-ounce brown trout. Easy limits in evenings with bubble-and-fly rigs. Intake II, North Lake and Lower Owens River experiencing high flow of water, making for poor fishing. Pleasant Valley Reservoir good for kamloops to 13 inches. Flies best bet in all areas but lures and standard baits also productive.

CONVICT LAKE--Trout good. Trolling picking up. Shore-fishing also good in early morning or late evening. Marshmallows, worms and needlefish lures productive.

JUNE LOOP--Brown and rainbow trout good. Daytime fishermen getting good results with salmon eggs and cheese and evening fly-fishing has picked up. Trollers getting larger fish. Rush Creek good for browns with dry flies. Higher lakes: fair amount of brook trout.

BRIDGEPORT--Bridgeport Lake excellent for limits of pan-sized rainbow trout. Shore-fishing with nightcrawlers best bet. Trolling also productive. East Walker River is fair with low water level and very clear water. Virginia Lakes good. Upper Twin Lakes slow but some success reported.
