
‘Christians Who Also Carry a Badge’

Re: “Born-Again Christians Who Also Carry a Badge,” (July 12):

As a fundamentalist Christian, I feel that any actions by the Los Angeles Police Department to promote persons based on their outward admission of such beliefs is inconsistent with their religious convictions that they claim to have.

First, in the real world (that world that is Caesar’s) that we abide in, the parable of the master and the talents (money) when applied means that those who have the authority should distribute--to those who have the ability--the delegation of power; while morality and ethical behavior may be weighed, the fact that it be Christian in nature should not be part of the decision-making process.

Secondly, we are reminded in the Bible that we do not openly promote our Christian relationship to better ourselves like the Pharisees in the Temple. Our actions should promote Christianity.


My conclusion is that any professing Christian on the police force would do better to promote Christianity by setting examples of exemplary Christian behavior that others would be proud to follow. No one can be coerced into Christianity, it “is a gift of God.”


Beverly Hills
