
Dodgers Need Overhaul, Starting at Top

Until now, it appeared to me that the demise of the Dodgers could be adequately explained by the cupidity of Peter O’Malley and the stupidity of Al Campanis. Trader Al threw away talent like a drunken sailor throws away his gold, and Peter the Pennypincher never stops looking for bargains that do nothing for the team.

However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that Loudmouth Lasorda, the man of many bleeps, deserves his share of the blame. There are simply too many players who improve markedly once they get away from the Dodgers. In retrospect, it appears that Lasorda’s early successes were with a team he inherited. Now we are seeing the effects of Tommy’s management style on his own products.

Dodger management needs an overhaul from top to bottom. The best thing O’Malley could do for Los Angeles would be to sell the team.



Long Beach
