
He Waves Single Life, but Not Surf, Goodby

Israel Paskowitz got to the church on time, but he nearly had to get married in his wet suit. Paskowitz, 24, the world’s top-rated long-board surfer, inadvertently had planned his wedding day on the same date as the Border Line/Professional Surfing Assn. of America surfing tournament at San Clemente on Saturday. The contest was at 7 a.m., the wedding at 9:30.

With minutes to spare, Paskowitz, who took first place in the first elimination round, was whisked by tuxedo-clad attendants to a waiting car and to his bride, Danielle Branwer, 21, at St. Edwards Catholic Church in San Clemente.

“I would have been very disappointed if he would have gotten married instead of going surfing,” said the bridegroom’s father, Dorian Paskowitz, who spent the last 30 years driving his wife and nine children from curl to curl around the world. “You can always get married.”
