
The State - News from July 27, 1987

The Tehama County Grand Jury has asked the FBI to investigate charges that a top state parole official received a payoff from a marijuana grower and posed in a pornographic movie, according to a copyrighted story in the Sacramento Bee. The story said the grand jury did not specifically name Ronald E. Koenig, chairman of the state Board of Prison Terms and former Tehama County sheriff, but added that a private investigator presented the grand jury with tape recorded interviews containing statements by a woman who said she saw a homemade pornographic film featuring a nude Koenig and two young girls, and with a prison inmate who said Koenig once tipped him that there was to be a raid on a marijuana plot he and a friend were cultivating, for which the inmate’s partner paid Koenig $3,000. Koenig said the allegations were “untrue” and “ridiculous.”
